GuiFerry™Disposable introducing sheath
The adjustable inner diameter of the hemostatic valve allows various catheters to enter and exit freely.
The locking design of the dilator ensures a secure connection.
Remote development MARK, precise positioning.
21 specifications and models provide more options for clinical use.
Cross valve guide wire(Product candidate)
This product is mainly used to assist the delivery device through the apical pathway in establishing a pathway into the cardiac cavity.
Balloon dilatation catheter for
aortic valve (Product candidate)
Balloons with various dimensions and specifications are suitable for different types of aortic stenosis.
Its tip is made of flexible Pebax® material to reduce blood vessel damage.
The large-sized design of the filling cavity helps shorten the operation time.
Thrombus protection device
(Product candidate)
Used in the TAVR procedure to prevent thrombus from entering the brain and reduce the occurrence of stroke.
Vascular closure device system
(Product candidate)
Use the external functional delivery system to deliver degradable hemostatic substance to arterial puncture
site to facilitate closure and minimize complications.
Disposable delivery sheath
(Product candidate)
A dedicated medical instrument delivery device for target sites (such as atrial septum, ventricular septum, and arterial catheter).
Disposable atrial septal puncture
system (Product candidate)
Used for the atrial septal puncture in cardiac transcatheter procedures to obtain left heart access.
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